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Pycana Insecticide/Miticide OMRI Listed

by OHP
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Current price $185.99
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Pycana Insecticide/Miticide OMRI Listed
128 fl oz jug

Pycana is a OMRI Listed Insecticide/Miticide combination product containing pyrethrins and canola oil. Pycana provides quick knockdown of many insects and mites including aphids, leafhoppers, earwigs, plant bugs, psyllids, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies, and spider mites.

Pycana may be used on ornamentals, fruits, vegetables, and herbs grown in greenhouses, shadehouses, hoop houses, and container grown nurseries.

Key Features:

  • Broad-spectrum activity on insect and mite pests
  • Labeled for use on herbs and vegetables
  • 0 Day preharvest interval (PHI)
  • 12-hour REI
  • No residual effects on beneficials
  • Kills all stages of insects including eggs
  • Excellent fit with IPM programs

* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.

Additional Information
Active Ingredient/s:
Pyrethrins 0.5%
Canola Oil 89 %
Product Documents:
Pycana Insecticide/Miticide OMRI Listed Label
Pycana Insecticide/Miticide OMRI Listed SDS
Target Problem:
Adelgids, Ants (including Acrobat Ants, Argentine Ants, Bigheaded Ants, Cornfield Ants, Crazy Ants, Field Ants, Foraging Ants, Ghost Ants, Little Black Ants, Moisture Ants, Odorous House Ants, Pavement Ants, Sweet-Feeding Ants, Texas Leafcutting Ants, Thief Ants, and other Common Ants) (except Carpenter Ants, Fire Ants, Harvester Ants, and Pharaoh Ants), Aphids (including Cotton Aphids, Green Peach Aphids, Melon Aphid, and Wooly Aphid), Armyworms, (including Beet Armyworms, Fall Armyworms, Southern Armyworm, and Western Yellow Striped Armyworms), Bagworms, Beetles (Asparagus Beetle, Bean Beetles, Blister Beetles, Colorado Potato Beetle, 12-Spotted Cucumber Beetles, Cucumber Beetle, Darkling Beetles (Lesser Mealworm), Elm Leaf Beetles, Flea Beetle, Japanese Beetle, Mexican Bean Beetles, Saw-toothed Grain Beetles, and Western Striped Cucumber Beetle), Borers (Branch and Twig Borers, European Corn Borer, Dogwood Borer, Pacific Flathead Borers, Peach Twig Borer, Shot Hole Borers, and Squash Vine Borer), Box Elder Bugs, Cabbageworms (Cross-striped Cabbageworm and Imported Cabbageworm), Cankerworms, Caterpillars (Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Forest Tent Caterpillar, Gypsy Moth Caterpillars, Tent Caterpillar, and Tomato Fruitworm Caterpillar), Corn Earworms, Crane Flies, Crickets, Diamondback Moth Larvae, Earwigs, Fireworms, Fruit Flies (including Cherry Fruit Fly), Fungus Gnats, Glassy Winged Sharpshooter, Grape Leaf Skeletonizer, Grasshoppers, Green Fruit Worm, Harlequin Bugs, Hornworms (including Tomato Hornworm), Katydids, Lace Bugs, Leafhoppers (Grape Leafhopper and Potato Leafhoppers), Leaf Miners (Chrysanthemum Leaf Miners, Citrus Leaf Miners, Tentiform Leaf Miners), Leafrollers (including Fruit Tree Leafrollers), Leaftiers, Loopers (including Cabbage Looper), Lygus, Maggots (Apple Maggot, Cabbage Maggots, and Onion Maggot), Mealybugs (Citrus Mealybugs, Grape Mealybugs, Longtail Mealybugs, Madeira Mealybugs, Obscure Mealybugs, Pink Hibiscus Mealybugs, and Vine Mealybugs), Non-biting Midges, Millipedes, Mites (Clover Mites, European Red Mite and Spider Mites), Moths (Artichoke Plume Moth, Codling Moth, Diamondback Moth, European Pine Tip Moth, Gypsy Moths, Indian Meal Moth, Oriental Fruit Moth, and Mediterranean Flour Moth), Mushroom Flies, Navel Orangeworm, Phylloxera, Powdery Mildew, Plant Bugs (Armoured Scale, Asian Cycad Scale, California Red Scale, Caribbean Black Scale, Citricola Scale, Cottony Maple Scale, Euonymus Scale, Fletcher Scale, Florida Wax Scale, Green Shield Scale, Indian Wax Scale, Oyster Shell Scale, Pine Needle Scale, Red Scale, San Jose Scale, Soft Scale, and Tea Scale), Silverfish, Skippers, Sowbugs, Spittlebugs, Squash Bugs, Stink Bugs (Brown Marmorated Stink Bug), Thrips (Citrus Thrips, Cotton Thrips, Greenhouse Thrips, Palm Thrips, and Western Flower Thrips), Vinegar Flies, Webworms (Black Vine Weevil, Boll Weevil, Carrot Weevil, Clover Weevil, Pecan Weevil, Pepper Weevil, Plum Curculio Weevil, Rice Weevil, and Strawberry Weevil), Whitefly (Banded Whitefly, Giant Whitefly, Greenhouse Whitefly, Silverleaf Whitefly, and Sweet Potato Whitefly)
Areas of Use:
Outdoors, Forests, Lawns, Farms,  Nurseries, Greenhouses, Shadehouses, Nursery, Hoophouse and Container-grown Nursery Crops, Flowering, Foliage and Bedding Plants
Ornamental and Shade Trees, Flower and Foliage Plants: annual ornamentals, bedding plants, birch, dogwood, evergreens, flowering cherry, flowering peach, hawthorn, holly, magnolia, maple, oak, perennial ornamentals, privet, pyracantha, sycamores
Root and Tuber Vegetables: arracha, arrowroot, Chinese artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, cassava (bitter or sweet), celeriac (celery root), chayote (root), chervil (turnip rooted), chicory, chufa, dasheen (Taro), edible burdock, edible canna, garden beets, ginger, ginseng, horseradish, leren, parsley (turnip rooted), parsnip, potato, radish, Japanese radish (daikon), rutabaga, salsify, black salsify, sugar beets, sweet potato, tanier, turmeric, turnip, yam bean, yam (true)
Leaves of Root and Tuber Vegetables: carrot, cassava (bitter or sweet), celeriac (celery root), chervil (turnip rooted), chicory, dasheen (Taro), edible burdock, garden beet, parsley (turnip rooted), parsnip, radish, Japanese radish (daikon), rutabaga, salsify, black salsify, sugar beet, sweet potato, turnip, yam (true)
Bulb Vegetables: garlic, great-headed garlic, leek, onion (bulb and green) Welch, Shallot
Leafy Vegetables: amaranth (Chinese spinach, leafy amaranth, tampala), arugula, cardoon, celery, celtuce, chervil, chrysanthemum (edible-leaved), chrysanthemum (garland), corn salad, cress (garden, water), dandelion, dock (sorrel), endive (escarole), fennel (florence), lettuce (head and leafy), parsley, purslane (garden and winter), radicchio, rhubarb, roach, spinach, fine spinach (Malabar, ceylon), spinach (new Zealand), swiss chard, upland cress (yellow rocket, winter cress)
Fruiting Vegetables: eggplant, ground cherry, okra, pepinos, peppers (bell peppers, chili peppers, cooking peppers, pimentos, sweet peppers) tomatillos, tomatoes
Cucurbit Vegetables: balsam apple, balsam pear (bitter melon), Chinese wax gourd (Chinese preserving melon), chayote, citron melon, cucumber, Chinese cucumber, edible gourds, gherkin, melons (including hybrids, cantaloupe, casaba, Crenshaw, golden pershaw melon, honey balls, honeydew melons, mango melon, muskmelon, Persian melon, pineapple melon, santa claus melon, snake melon), pumpkin, squash (summer & winter), watermelon (including hybrids)
Brassica Leafy Vegetables: broccoli, broccoli raab (rapini), cavolo broccoli, Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage (Napa), Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens
Legume Vegetables: asparagus beans, broad beans (fava beans), Chinese yard long beans, lablab beans (hyacinth beans), lima beans, peas (English peas, garden peas, snow peas, sugar snap peas), runner beans, snap beans, soybeans, wax beans
Small Fruits: blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, currant, dewberry, elderberry, gooseberry, grapes, huckleberry, loganberry, olallieberry, raspberry (black and red), strawberry, youngberry
Herbs and Spices: allspice, angelica, anise (aniseed), star anise, annatto (seed), balm (lemon balm), basil, borage, burnet, caper buds, caraway, black caraway, cardamom, cassia bark, cassia buds, catnip, celery seed, chamomile, chervil (dried), chicory, chives, coriander (cilantro or Chinese parsley leaf), coriander (cilantro seed), cilantro (leaf), cilantro (seed), costmary, cumin, curry (leaf), dill seed, dill weed, fennel (common), Florence fennel seed, fenugreek, grains of paradise, horehound, hyssop, juniper berry, lavender, lemongrass, lovage (leaf and seed), mace, marigold, marjoram, nasturtium, nutmeg, oregano, mint, paprika, parsley (dried), pennyroyal, black pepper, white pepper, poppy seed, rosemary, rue, saffron, sage, summer and winter savory, tarragon, thyme, vanilla, wintergreen, woodruff, wormwood
*See Label for extensive application instructions to apply for each crop.
Family & Pet Safe?
Product is hazardous to humans and domestic animals.
U.S. State Restrictions:
128 fl oz jug: L 7" x W 3.5" x H 11.25"
Case of 4: L 15.25" x W 10.5" x H 11.75"
Shipping Weight:
128 fl oz jug: 8.4 lbs
Case of 4: 34.2 lbs
EPA Registration #:

Pycana is a OMRI Listed Insecticide/Miticide combination product containing pyrethrins and canola oil. Pycana provides quick knockdown of many insects and mites including aphids, leafhoppers, earwigs, plant bugs, psyllids, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies, and spider mites.

Pycana may be used on ornamentals, fruits, vegetables, and herbs grown in greenhouses, shadehouses, hoop houses, and container grown nurseries.

Key Features:

  • Broad-spectrum activity on insect and mite pests
  • Labeled for use on herbs and vegetables
  • 0 Day preharvest interval (PHI)
  • 12-hour REI
  • No residual effects on beneficials
  • Kills all stages of insects including eggs
  • Excellent fit with IPM programs

* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.

Active Ingredient/s:
Pyrethrins 0.5%
Canola Oil 89 %
Product Documents:
Pycana Insecticide/Miticide OMRI Listed Label
Pycana Insecticide/Miticide OMRI Listed SDS
Target Problem:
Adelgids, Ants (including Acrobat Ants, Argentine Ants, Bigheaded Ants, Cornfield Ants, Crazy Ants, Field Ants, Foraging Ants, Ghost Ants, Little Black Ants, Moisture Ants, Odorous House Ants, Pavement Ants, Sweet-Feeding Ants, Texas Leafcutting Ants, Thief Ants, and other Common Ants) (except Carpenter Ants, Fire Ants, Harvester Ants, and Pharaoh Ants), Aphids (including Cotton Aphids, Green Peach Aphids, Melon Aphid, and Wooly Aphid), Armyworms, (including Beet Armyworms, Fall Armyworms, Southern Armyworm, and Western Yellow Striped Armyworms), Bagworms, Beetles (Asparagus Beetle, Bean Beetles, Blister Beetles, Colorado Potato Beetle, 12-Spotted Cucumber Beetles, Cucumber Beetle, Darkling Beetles (Lesser Mealworm), Elm Leaf Beetles, Flea Beetle, Japanese Beetle, Mexican Bean Beetles, Saw-toothed Grain Beetles, and Western Striped Cucumber Beetle), Borers (Branch and Twig Borers, European Corn Borer, Dogwood Borer, Pacific Flathead Borers, Peach Twig Borer, Shot Hole Borers, and Squash Vine Borer), Box Elder Bugs, Cabbageworms (Cross-striped Cabbageworm and Imported Cabbageworm), Cankerworms, Caterpillars (Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Forest Tent Caterpillar, Gypsy Moth Caterpillars, Tent Caterpillar, and Tomato Fruitworm Caterpillar), Corn Earworms, Crane Flies, Crickets, Diamondback Moth Larvae, Earwigs, Fireworms, Fruit Flies (including Cherry Fruit Fly), Fungus Gnats, Glassy Winged Sharpshooter, Grape Leaf Skeletonizer, Grasshoppers, Green Fruit Worm, Harlequin Bugs, Hornworms (including Tomato Hornworm), Katydids, Lace Bugs, Leafhoppers (Grape Leafhopper and Potato Leafhoppers), Leaf Miners (Chrysanthemum Leaf Miners, Citrus Leaf Miners, Tentiform Leaf Miners), Leafrollers (including Fruit Tree Leafrollers), Leaftiers, Loopers (including Cabbage Looper), Lygus, Maggots (Apple Maggot, Cabbage Maggots, and Onion Maggot), Mealybugs (Citrus Mealybugs, Grape Mealybugs, Longtail Mealybugs, Madeira Mealybugs, Obscure Mealybugs, Pink Hibiscus Mealybugs, and Vine Mealybugs), Non-biting Midges, Millipedes, Mites (Clover Mites, European Red Mite and Spider Mites), Moths (Artichoke Plume Moth, Codling Moth, Diamondback Moth, European Pine Tip Moth, Gypsy Moths, Indian Meal Moth, Oriental Fruit Moth, and Mediterranean Flour Moth), Mushroom Flies, Navel Orangeworm, Phylloxera, Powdery Mildew, Plant Bugs (Armoured Scale, Asian Cycad Scale, California Red Scale, Caribbean Black Scale, Citricola Scale, Cottony Maple Scale, Euonymus Scale, Fletcher Scale, Florida Wax Scale, Green Shield Scale, Indian Wax Scale, Oyster Shell Scale, Pine Needle Scale, Red Scale, San Jose Scale, Soft Scale, and Tea Scale), Silverfish, Skippers, Sowbugs, Spittlebugs, Squash Bugs, Stink Bugs (Brown Marmorated Stink Bug), Thrips (Citrus Thrips, Cotton Thrips, Greenhouse Thrips, Palm Thrips, and Western Flower Thrips), Vinegar Flies, Webworms (Black Vine Weevil, Boll Weevil, Carrot Weevil, Clover Weevil, Pecan Weevil, Pepper Weevil, Plum Curculio Weevil, Rice Weevil, and Strawberry Weevil), Whitefly (Banded Whitefly, Giant Whitefly, Greenhouse Whitefly, Silverleaf Whitefly, and Sweet Potato Whitefly)
Areas of Use:
Outdoors, Forests, Lawns, Farms,  Nurseries, Greenhouses, Shadehouses, Nursery, Hoophouse and Container-grown Nursery Crops, Flowering, Foliage and Bedding Plants
Ornamental and Shade Trees, Flower and Foliage Plants: annual ornamentals, bedding plants, birch, dogwood, evergreens, flowering cherry, flowering peach, hawthorn, holly, magnolia, maple, oak, perennial ornamentals, privet, pyracantha, sycamores
Root and Tuber Vegetables: arracha, arrowroot, Chinese artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, cassava (bitter or sweet), celeriac (celery root), chayote (root), chervil (turnip rooted), chicory, chufa, dasheen (Taro), edible burdock, edible canna, garden beets, ginger, ginseng, horseradish, leren, parsley (turnip rooted), parsnip, potato, radish, Japanese radish (daikon), rutabaga, salsify, black salsify, sugar beets, sweet potato, tanier, turmeric, turnip, yam bean, yam (true)
Leaves of Root and Tuber Vegetables: carrot, cassava (bitter or sweet), celeriac (celery root), chervil (turnip rooted), chicory, dasheen (Taro), edible burdock, garden beet, parsley (turnip rooted), parsnip, radish, Japanese radish (daikon), rutabaga, salsify, black salsify, sugar beet, sweet potato, turnip, yam (true)
Bulb Vegetables: garlic, great-headed garlic, leek, onion (bulb and green) Welch, Shallot
Leafy Vegetables: amaranth (Chinese spinach, leafy amaranth, tampala), arugula, cardoon, celery, celtuce, chervil, chrysanthemum (edible-leaved), chrysanthemum (garland), corn salad, cress (garden, water), dandelion, dock (sorrel), endive (escarole), fennel (florence), lettuce (head and leafy), parsley, purslane (garden and winter), radicchio, rhubarb, roach, spinach, fine spinach (Malabar, ceylon), spinach (new Zealand), swiss chard, upland cress (yellow rocket, winter cress)
Fruiting Vegetables: eggplant, ground cherry, okra, pepinos, peppers (bell peppers, chili peppers, cooking peppers, pimentos, sweet peppers) tomatillos, tomatoes
Cucurbit Vegetables: balsam apple, balsam pear (bitter melon), Chinese wax gourd (Chinese preserving melon), chayote, citron melon, cucumber, Chinese cucumber, edible gourds, gherkin, melons (including hybrids, cantaloupe, casaba, Crenshaw, golden pershaw melon, honey balls, honeydew melons, mango melon, muskmelon, Persian melon, pineapple melon, santa claus melon, snake melon), pumpkin, squash (summer & winter), watermelon (including hybrids)
Brassica Leafy Vegetables: broccoli, broccoli raab (rapini), cavolo broccoli, Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage (Napa), Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens
Legume Vegetables: asparagus beans, broad beans (fava beans), Chinese yard long beans, lablab beans (hyacinth beans), lima beans, peas (English peas, garden peas, snow peas, sugar snap peas), runner beans, snap beans, soybeans, wax beans
Small Fruits: blackberry, blueberry, cranberry, currant, dewberry, elderberry, gooseberry, grapes, huckleberry, loganberry, olallieberry, raspberry (black and red), strawberry, youngberry
Herbs and Spices: allspice, angelica, anise (aniseed), star anise, annatto (seed), balm (lemon balm), basil, borage, burnet, caper buds, caraway, black caraway, cardamom, cassia bark, cassia buds, catnip, celery seed, chamomile, chervil (dried), chicory, chives, coriander (cilantro or Chinese parsley leaf), coriander (cilantro seed), cilantro (leaf), cilantro (seed), costmary, cumin, curry (leaf), dill seed, dill weed, fennel (common), Florence fennel seed, fenugreek, grains of paradise, horehound, hyssop, juniper berry, lavender, lemongrass, lovage (leaf and seed), mace, marigold, marjoram, nasturtium, nutmeg, oregano, mint, paprika, parsley (dried), pennyroyal, black pepper, white pepper, poppy seed, rosemary, rue, saffron, sage, summer and winter savory, tarragon, thyme, vanilla, wintergreen, woodruff, wormwood
*See Label for extensive application instructions to apply for each crop.
Family & Pet Safe?
Product is hazardous to humans and domestic animals.
U.S. State Restrictions:
128 fl oz jug: L 7" x W 3.5" x H 11.25"
Case of 4: L 15.25" x W 10.5" x H 11.75"
Shipping Weight:
128 fl oz jug: 8.4 lbs
Case of 4: 34.2 lbs
EPA Registration #:

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