Tenacity Herbicide - Selective Broadleaf Weed & Grass Control

Tenacity Herbicide works by inhibiting an enzyme that is essential to chlorophyll production and photosynthesis, allowing light energy to break down the chlorophyll and, as a result, turning weeds white within five to seven days after application. This is normal and the white color is a sign that the product is working.
Occasionally, you may see white tips on desirable turf grass, but this is a temporary symptom and these white tips will eventually be mowed off. Tenacity Herbicide by Syngenta offers pre- and post-emergent control of more than 46 broadleaf weed and grass species, including crabgrass, ground ivy, yellow foxtail, yellow nutsedge and unwanted bentgrass.
Tenacity can be used at seeding to reduce weed competition so new turf can establish faster. Tenacity is the only residential-approved herbicide that selectively removes both nimblewill and bentgrass. Plus, it controls Crabgrass, Windmill grass, Clover, Ground ivy, Goosegrass, Yellow foxtail, Yellow nutsedge, Oxalis and more.
Key Features:
Click here and see our kit that has everything you need to successfully rid your lawn of weeds.
*HomeandGardenSupply.com always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.
Active Ingredients: | Mesotrione - 40% |
Product Documents: | Tenacity Herbicide Label Tenacity Herbicide SDS |
Target Problem: | Barnyard grass, Bentgrass, Bluegrass annual. Buttercup, Carpetweed, Chickweed common, Chickweed Mouse ear, Clover large hop, Clover white, Crabgrass, Crabgrass large, Crabgrass smooth, Crabgrass southern, Creeping Bentgrass, Curly dock, Dandelion Cats ear, Dandelion Common, Florida Betony, Foxtail yellow, Galinsoga, Goosegrass, Ground ivy, Healall, Henbit, Lambsquarters common, Lawn Burweed, Lovegrass Tufted, Mares tail, Nimblewill, Nutsedge yellow, Oxalis, Pigweed redroot, Pigweed smooth, Plantain Buckhorn, Purslane common, Purslane speedwell, Pusley Florida, Shepherd's purse, Smartweed pale, Smartweed Pennsylvania, Sow thistle, Speedwell persian, Swinecress, Thistle Canada, Verbena, Violet Wild, Wild carrot, and Windmill grass. |
Areas Of Use: | Golf Course Management, Lawn and Landscape, Sports Turf & Facility Turf Management. |
Application: | *Please see product label for extensive safety precautions, dilution and mixing information. |
Family & Pet Safe? | Safe in treated areas after product is completely dry - Per Syngenta Product Technical Support |
Formulation: | Consumer |
U.S. State Restrictions: | None |
Dimensions For 1 Bottle: | L 2.5" x W 2" x H 4.5" |
Shipping Weight For 1 Bottle: | 0.71 lbs |
Dimensions For Case: | L 8.5" x W 8.5" x H 8.5" |
Shipping Weight For Case: | 9.37 lbs |
Manufacturer: | Syngenta |
EPA Registration # | 100-1267 |
Tenacity Herbicide works by inhibiting an enzyme that is essential to chlorophyll production and photosynthesis, allowing light energy to break down the chlorophyll and, as a result, turning weeds white within five to seven days after application. This is normal and the white color is a sign that the product is working.
Occasionally, you may see white tips on desirable turf grass, but this is a temporary symptom and these white tips will eventually be mowed off. Tenacity Herbicide by Syngenta offers pre- and post-emergent control of more than 46 broadleaf weed and grass species, including crabgrass, ground ivy, yellow foxtail, yellow nutsedge and unwanted bentgrass.
Tenacity can be used at seeding to reduce weed competition so new turf can establish faster. Tenacity is the only residential-approved herbicide that selectively removes both nimblewill and bentgrass. Plus, it controls Crabgrass, Windmill grass, Clover, Ground ivy, Goosegrass, Yellow foxtail, Yellow nutsedge, Oxalis and more.
Key Features:
Click here and see our kit that has everything you need to successfully rid your lawn of weeds.
*HomeandGardenSupply.com always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.
Active Ingredients: | Mesotrione - 40% |
Product Documents: | Tenacity Herbicide Label Tenacity Herbicide SDS |
Target Problem: | Barnyard grass, Bentgrass, Bluegrass annual. Buttercup, Carpetweed, Chickweed common, Chickweed Mouse ear, Clover large hop, Clover white, Crabgrass, Crabgrass large, Crabgrass smooth, Crabgrass southern, Creeping Bentgrass, Curly dock, Dandelion Cats ear, Dandelion Common, Florida Betony, Foxtail yellow, Galinsoga, Goosegrass, Ground ivy, Healall, Henbit, Lambsquarters common, Lawn Burweed, Lovegrass Tufted, Mares tail, Nimblewill, Nutsedge yellow, Oxalis, Pigweed redroot, Pigweed smooth, Plantain Buckhorn, Purslane common, Purslane speedwell, Pusley Florida, Shepherd's purse, Smartweed pale, Smartweed Pennsylvania, Sow thistle, Speedwell persian, Swinecress, Thistle Canada, Verbena, Violet Wild, Wild carrot, and Windmill grass. |
Areas Of Use: | Golf Course Management, Lawn and Landscape, Sports Turf & Facility Turf Management. |
Application: | *Please see product label for extensive safety precautions, dilution and mixing information. |
Family & Pet Safe? | Safe in treated areas after product is completely dry - Per Syngenta Product Technical Support |
Formulation: | Consumer |
U.S. State Restrictions: | None |
Dimensions For 1 Bottle: | L 2.5" x W 2" x H 4.5" |
Shipping Weight For 1 Bottle: | 0.71 lbs |
Dimensions For Case: | L 8.5" x W 8.5" x H 8.5" |
Shipping Weight For Case: | 9.37 lbs |
Manufacturer: | Syngenta |
EPA Registration # | 100-1267 |
Will it kill torpedo grass.
There are many claims that Tenacity will work on torpedo grass, but since it is not labeled for control of it, we do not recommend it. Drive XLR8 is labeled for control of torpedo grass and is a great product.
I have St Augustine How will it affect my grass?
Tenacity can be used on St Augustine grass, but has very specific label instructions for sod use only.
Should I spray before seeding or wait till fescue comes up and then spray
The label for Tenacity gives some instructions on applying to new lawns, this information can be found on page 4 of the label. It states:
"New Seedings/New Lawn Establishment – Apply Tenacity at 5-8 fl oz per
acre (0.156-0.25 lb ai/A) in at least 30 gallons of water per acre prior to seeding or post seeding of tolerant turfgrass species listed on this label, except
fine fescue. Tenacity may reduce density of fine fescue seedings. Tenacity can
be used on grass seed blends that contain less than 20% by weight of hard
or fine fescue. Tenacity will control many monocot and dicot weeds that
compete with and slow the establishment of the turfgrass stands. Apply at
grass seeding or close to seeding for best performance. Avoid spraying on
newly germinated turfgrass plants. Wait until the newly germinated turf
has been mowed two times or four weeks after emergence (whichever is
longer) before making a postemergence application."
There are also some instructions on what amounts of Tenacity are tested to be safe on fescue grasses, which can be found on page 3.
Will it kill Bermuda?
The label for Tenacity says that Bermudagrass is sensitive to Tenacity and that it should only be used on it if injury can be tolerated. We would advise all of our customers to only use Tenacity on a sensitive grass or turf, if they have read the label and believe their grass can tolerate this chemical.
What is the rate per acre and volume of water per acre to control crabgrass on fine leaf fescue
The labeled rate for weed control in fine fescue (creeping red, chewings, and hard) is 5 fl oz per acre.
The recommended application rate for hand-held or backpack sprayers is 1 teaspoon/2 gal of water, with 3 teaspoons of a good quality NIS (non-ionic surfactant).
Mixing instructions how many ounces per gallon?
How much Tenacity needs to be mixed per gallon, depends on what type of turf grass it will be applied on, what concentration is desired, and the circumstances of the lawn. Please see the "TURFGRASS SPECIES" and "APPLICATION INFORMATION " section of the label for more information.
Problems with bent grass getting ready to aerate and over seed. When best time to put down Tenicity? If I’m doing this ?
The label for this product specifies that it should not used on bentgrass unless damage can be tolerated. We advise all of our customers to read the label of every product they intend to purchase.
Will tenacity kill nimblewill?
Yes, Tenacity targets nimblewill. A full list of targeted weeds can be found on the label.
How many ounces to do 2.5 acres
How much Tenacity needs to be mixed per gallon, depends on where the product is going to be applied. Please see the "APPLICATION INFORMATION " section of the label for more information.
how long til rainproof
Tenacity is rain fast 1 hour after application.
Alicia Bermuda horse hay. Will this controll vase grass an Dallas grass.? How much do I put per acer?
Tenacity does not specify if it is safe to apply it on dallasgrass or if it controls vaseygrass, so we cannot recommend this product for that application.
Whats the saftey precautions for Pets and animals
Safety precautions and use information can be found on the first few pages of the products label. We advise all of our customers to read the label thouroughly before purchase.
Will it kill creeping Charlie.
No, this product is not labeled to target creeping charlie. A full list of targeted plants can be found on page 4 of the label.
will this kill spotted spurge
No, this product will nottarget spotted spurge. A full list of targeted plants can be found on page 4 .
Can it be used on Zoysia?
This product is not labeled for use on Zoysia grass. A list of turf grasses tested to be safe can be found on page 3 of the label.
How much to mix 1 gallon water
How much Tenacity needs to be mixed per gallon, depends on where the product is going to be applied. Please see the "APPLICATION INFORMATION " section of the label for more information.
What the mix rate , ounces to gallons,
How much Tenacity needs to be mixed per gallon, depends on where the product is going to be applied. Please see the "APPLICATION INFORMATION " section of the label for more information.
Will this control carpet grass.
The label for Tenacity does not say it is labeled for carpetgrass (axonopus fissifolius), so we are unable to suggest it for that purpose.
Is this safe to use around animals? We have a dog that goes out in our backyard.
The label for Tenacity does not give a timeframe of when it is safe for animals to re-enter a treated area. However, the label does say, "DO NOT enter treated areas without protective clothing until sprays have dried." We are able to recommend that it is safe to enter a treated area, once the product is dried.
Because of this, we ask every buyer to thouroughly read the label of every product we sell, to make sure they know the risks assocaited with the product and how to use it safely. The label for this product can be found on the product page, or here.
Does Tenacity kills dandelions?
Tenacity Herbicide is labeled to control both common and catsear dandelions. A full list of controlled pests can be found on our product page under labels, or here.
How long should I wait to over seed my existing lawn after applying the weed killer Tenacity?
The label for Tenacity Herbicide does not give instructions specific to over seeding. However, there is information on page 4 of the label, under APPLICATION INFORMATION, titled as New Seedings/New Lawn Establishment that can give some relevant information on how and when to apply Tenacity in those circumstances.
Also to note is that there is a disclaimer on page 2 of the label under USE INFORMATION that says:
"Tenacity is an effective herbicide for weed control prior to or during seeding of certain turfgrasses during turf renovation (see section on use in New Seedings). If used preemergence in established turf, tank mixtures with preemergence herbicides including Barricade® 65WG Herbicide (prodiamine; EPA Reg No. 100-834) are advised for longer residual and broad spectrum weed control."
The label can be found on the product page of our website, as well as here.
Is this ok for Bahia grass?
Tenacity Herbicide has a statement for it's use on Bahia grass on it's label (it is listed as "seashore paspalum" on the label):
"Bentgrass, Poa annua, kikuyugrass, zoysiagrass, seashore paspalum and bermudagrass are sensitive to Tenacity applications. Avoid spraying these turf types unless control and/or injury can be tolerated. Maintain a five foot buffer between treated areas and bentgrass or Poa annua greens."
More information can be found on the label on our product page, or here.
Does it work on Star of Bethlehem
Unfortunately because Tenacity Herbicide's label does not mention it's control of Star of Bethlehem, we are unable to give a recommendation to how it will affect it.
Will it kill wire grass?
Tenacity Herbicide has specific instructions for its use on Bermuda grass:
"Bentgrass, Poa annua, kikuyugrass, zoysiagrass, seashore paspalum and bermudagrass are sensitive to Tenacity applications. Avoid spraying these turf types unless control and/or injury can be tolerated. Maintain a five foot buffer between treated areas and bentgrass or Poa annua greens."
There are more specific instructions on the rates of Tenacity that are safe to use on Bermuda grass, on page 4 of the label. Page 5 of the label also has specific instructions for use on Bermuda grass, if it is used in the state of Florida. The label can be found on our product page for Tenacity or here.
Will Tenacity kill switch cane?
Unfortunately because Tenacity Herbicide does not mention it's use on or to control switch cane or bamboo on it's label, we are unable to give a recommendation to how it will affect switch cane.
Is it safe on St. Augustine/Floratam grass?
The label for Tenacity Herbicide has instructions for use on St. Augustine grass sod only, and only using 4oz of product per acre. More information can be found on the label.
How much per gallon.
How much Tenacity needs to be mixed per gallon, depends on where the product is going to be applied. Please see the "APPLICATION INFORMATION " section of the label for more information.
Does Tenacity kill sedge grass?
The label for Tenacity lists Yellow Nutsedge as one of the weeds it can target!
Does it kill wild violets?
Yes this does kill wild violets. The full list of controlled weeds and plants can be found on the label.
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